Number Theory [math.NT]

Another inequality inspired by Erd\H{o}s

Barbora Batíková, Tomáš J. Kepka, Petr C. Němec

In our effort to find an arithmetically pure proof of the Bertrand postulate, we investigate and solve (using only elementary arithmetical methods) another less usual inequality in positive integers inspired by the classical proof of the postulate given by P. Erd\H{o}s.

Equidistribution of integers represented by standard quadratic form under arithmetic constraints

Yefei Ma

We study the equidistribution of integers of the form $n= x_1^2 + \cdots + x_d^2$ under the arithmetic constraints given by $(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})^d$. The first step in addressing this problem is to construct modular forms whose Fourier expansion coefficients correspond to the counting problem over the quadric in $\mathbb{Z}^d$ induced by the standard quadratic form, subject to the aforementioned arithmetic constraints. The weak modular property of these modular forms allows us to use representation theory to identify the congruence subgroup to which our modular forms correspond. We then establish a necessary and sufficient condition for functions on $(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})^d$ that defines a cusp form. Finally, we conclude that the equidistribution phenomenon occurs locally on $p+1$ orbits for $d \geq 4$.

Distribution of the sum of reciprocal parts for distinct parts partitions

Walter Bridges

Given an integer partition of $n$ into distinct parts, the sum of the reciprocal parts is an example of an egyptian fraction. We study this statistic under the uniform measure on distinct parts partitions of $n$ and prove that, as $n \to \infty$, the sum of reciprocal parts is distributed away from its mean like a random harmonic sum.

Arithmetic properties of Cantor sets involving non-diagonal forms

Haotian Zhao

We show conditions on $k$ such that any number $x$ in the interval $[0, k/2]$ can be represented in the form $x_1^{a_1} x_2^{a_2} + x_3^{a_3} x_4^{a_4} + \cdots + x_{k-1}^{a_{k-1}} x_k^{a_k}$, where the exponents $a_{2i-1}$ and $a_{2i}$ are positive integers satisfying $a_{2i-1} + a_{2i} = s$ for $i = 1, 2, \dots, k/2$, and each $x_i$ belongs to the generalized Cantor set. Moreover, we discuss different types of non-diagonal polynomials and clarify the optimal results in low-dimensional cases.

Counting solvable $\mathcal S$-unit equations and linear recurrence sequences with zeros

Alina Ostafe, Carl Pomerance, Igor E. Shparlinski

We show that only a rather small proportion of linear equations are solvable in elements of a fixed finitely generated subgroup of a multiplicative group of a number field. The argument is based on modular techniques combined with a classical idea of P. Erd\H{o}s (1935). We then use similar ideas to get a tight upper bound on the number of linear recurrence sequences which attain a zero value.

On families of strongly divisible modules of rank 2

Seongjae Han, Chol Park

Let $p$ be an odd prime, and $\mathbf{Q}_{p^f}$ the unramified extension of $\mathbf{Q}_p$ of degree $f$. In this paper, we reduce the problem of constructing strongly divisible modules for $2$-dimensional semi-stable non-crystalline representations of $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbf{Q}}_p/\mathbf{Q}_{p^f})$ with Hodge--Tate weights in the Fontaine--Laffaille range to solving systems of linear equations and inequalities. We also determine the Breuil modules corresponding to the mod-$p$ reduction of the strongly divisible modules. We expect our method to produce at least one Galois-stable lattice in each such representation for general $f$. Moreover, when the mod-$p$ reduction is an extension of distinct characters, we further expect our method to provide the two non-homothetic lattices. As applications, we show that our approach recovers previously known results for $f=1$ and determine the mod-$p$ reduction of the semi-stable representations with some small Hodge--Tate weights when $f=2$.

The sum of a prime power and an almost prime

Daniel R. Johnston, Simon N. Thomas

For any fixed $k\geq 2$, we prove that every sufficiently large integer can be expressed as the sum of a $k$th power of a prime and a number with at most $M(k)=6k$ prime factors. For sufficiently large $k$ we also show that one can take $M(k)=(2+\varepsilon)k$ for any $\varepsilon>0$, or $M(k)=(1+\varepsilon)k$ under the assumption of the Elliott--Halberstam conjecture. The main tools we employ are the weighted sieve method of Diamond, Halberstam and Richert, along with classical results on $k$th power residues. We also use some simple computations and arguments to conjecture an optimal value of $M(k)$, as well as a related variant of Hardy and Littlewood's Conjecture H.

About quasi-modular forms, differential operators and Rankin--Cohen algebras

Younes Nikdelan

We establish sufficient conditions, involving Rankin--Cohen (RC) brackets, under which certain combinations of meromorphic quasi-modular forms and their derivatives yield meromorphic modular forms. To achieve this, we adopt an algebraic perspective by working within the framework of RC algebras. First, we prove that any canonical RC algebra, whose underlying graded algebra is of type $\frac{1}{N}\mathbb{Z}$ with $N\in \mathbb{N}$, is a sub-RC algebra of a standard RC algebra. We then present and prove an algebraic formulation of results stating that specific combinations of the quasi-modular form $E_2$ with either other modular forms or itself, along with their derivatives, result in modular forms. Next, we provide equivalent formulations of these results in terms of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}_2(\mathbb{C})$ and Ramanujan systems of RC type. Finally, we discuss applications not only to meromorphic quasi-modular forms but also to Calabi--Yau quasi-modular forms.

On gcd-graphs over finite rings

Tung T. Nguyen, Nguyen Duy Tân

Gcd-graphs represent an interesting and historically important class of integral graphs. Since the pioneering work of Klotz and Sander, numerous incarnations of these graphs have been explored in the literature. In this article, we define and establish some foundational properties of gcd-graphs defined over a general finite commutative ring. In particular, we investigate the connectivity and diameter of these graphs. Additionally, when the ring is a finite symmetric $\mathbb{Z}/n$-algebra, we give an explicit description of their spectrum using the theory of Ramanujan sums that gives a unified treatment of various results in the literature.

Using Walnut to solve problems from the OEIS

Wieb Bosma, Rene Bruin, Robbert Fokkink, Jonathan Grube, Anniek Reuijl, Thian Tromp

We use the automatic theorem prover Walnut to resolve various open problems from the OEIS and beyond. Specifically, we clarify the structure of sequence A260311, which concerns runs of sums of upper Wythoff numbers. We extend a result of Hajdu, Tijdeman, and Varga on polynomials with nonzero coefficients modulo a prime. Additionally, we settle open problems related to the anti-recurrence sequences A265389 and A299409, as well as the subsumfree sequences A026471 and A026475. Our findings also give rise to new open problems.

Ducci Matrices in $p$-adic Context

Piero Giacomelli

In this paper, we mutuate the concept of Ducci matrices to the $p$-adic setting, generalizing the classical Ducci sequences to the framework of $p$-adic numbers. The classical Ducci operator, which iteratively computes the absolute differences of neighboring elements in a sequence or matrix, is redefined using the $p$-adic absolute value $| \cdot |_p$. We investigate the dynamics of $p$-adic Ducci sequences for matrices over $\mathbb{Q}_p$, focusing on their convergence and periodicity properties.

On irreducibility of six-dimensional compatible systems of $\mathbb{Q}$

Boyi Dai

We study irreducibility of 6-dimensional strictly compatible systems of $\mathbb{Q}$ with distinct Hodge-Tate weights. We prove if one of the representations is Lie-irreducible, then all but finitely many of them are (Lie-)irreducible. If one of them is irreducible but not Lie-irreducible, we prove the same result under certain self-duality condition.

On the Mordell-Weil rank and $2$-Selmer group of a family of elliptic curves

Pankaj Patel, Debopam Chakraborty, Jaitra Chattopadhyay

We consider the parametric family of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$ of the form $E_{m} : y^{2} = x(x - n_{1})(x - n_{2}) + t^{2}$, where $n_{1}$, $n_{2}$ and $t$ are particular polynomial expressions in an integral variable $m$. In this paper, we investigate the torsion group $E_{m}(\mathbb{Q})_{\rm{tors}}$, a lower bound for the Mordell-Weil rank $r({E_{m}})$ and the $2$-Selmer group ${\rm{Sel}}_{2}(E_{m})$ under certain conditions on $m$. This extends the previous works done in this direction, which are mostly concerned with the Mordell-Weil ranks of various parametric families of elliptic curves.

Fargues--Scholze parameters and torsion vanishing for special orthogonal and unitary groups

Hao Peng

We show that when $p$ is an odd prime, $K$ is an unramified finite extension of $\mathbb Q_p$ and $G$ is a pure inner form of a special orthogonal group or unitary group over $K$ that splits over an unramified extension, the Fargues--Scholze local Langlands correspondence for $G$ agrees with the semi-simplification of classical local Langlands correspondence. As applications, we construct an unambiguous local Langlands correspondence for even orthogonal groups, deduce Fargues' eigen-sheaf conjecture, and prove new torsion vanishing results for orthogonal and unitary Shimura varieties.

Octagonal relations

Zdzislaw Wojtkowiak

We study the action of the absolute Galois group on the fundamental groups.

Homological stability for Hurwitz spaces and applications

Aaron Landesman, Ishan Levy

We show the homology of the Hurwitz space associated to an arbitrary finite rack stabilizes integrally in a suitable sense. We also compute the dominant part of its stable homology after inverting finitely many primes. This proves a conjecture of Ellenberg--Venkatesh--Westerland and improves upon our previous results for non-splitting racks. We obtain applications to Malle's conjecture, the Picard rank conjecture, and the Cohen--Lenstra--Martinet heuristics.

The action of the Morava stabilizer group on the coefficients of Morava E-theory at height 2

Andrew Salch

We calculate an explicit closed formula for the action of the height 2 full Morava stabilizer group on the coefficient ring of height 2 Morava E-theory. In particular, this yields an explicit, surprisingly simple closed formula for the action of the automorphism group of a height 2 formal group law on its Lubin-Tate deformation ring. The formula is of a combinatorial nature, given by sums over certain labelled ordered rooted trees.

Avoiding algebraic integers of bounded house in orbits of rational functions over cyclotomic closures

Evan Chen

Let $k$ be a number field with cyclotomic closure $k^{\mathrm{cyc}}$, and let $h \in k^{\mathrm{cyc}}(x)$. For $A \ge 1$ a real number, we show that \[ \{ \alpha \in k^{\mathrm{cyc}} : h(\alpha) \in \overline{\mathbb Z} \text{ has house at most } A \} \] is finite for many $h$. We also show that for many such $h$ the same result holds if $h(\alpha)$ is replaced by orbits $h(h(\cdots h(\alpha)))$. This generalizes a result proved by Ostafe that concerns avoiding roots of unity, which is the case $A=1$.

Abelian varieties not isogenous to Jacobians over global fields

Ananth N. Shankar, Jacob Tsimerman

We prove the existence of abelian varieties not isogenous to Jacobians over characterstic $p$ function fields. Our methods involve studying the action of degree $p$ Hecke operators on hypersymmetric points, as well as their effect on the formal neighborhoods using Serre Tate co-ordinates. We moreover use our methods to provide another proof over number fields, as well as proving a version of this result over finite fields.

On the Frobenius Number and Genus of a Collection of Semigroups Generalizing Repunit Numerical Semigroups

Feihu Liu, Guoce Xin, Suting Ye, Jingjing Yin

Let $A=(a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n)$ be a sequence of relative prime positive integers with $a_i\geq 2$. The Frobenius number $F(A)$ is the largest integer not belonging to the numerical semigroup $\langle A\rangle$ generated by $A$. The genus $g(A)$ is the number of positive integer elements not in $\langle A\rangle$. The Frobenius problem is to determine $F(A)$ and $g(A)$ for a given sequence $A$. In this paper, we study the Frobenius problem of $A=\left(a,h_1a+b_1d,h_2a+b_2d,\ldots,h_ka+b_kd\right)$ with some restrictions. An innovation is that $d$ can be a negative integer. In particular, when $A=\left(a,ba+d,b^2a+\frac{b^2-1}{b-1}d,\ldots,b^ka+\frac{b^k-1}{b-1}d\right)$, we obtain formulas for $F(A)$ and $g(A)$ when $a\geq k-1-\frac{d-1}{b-1}$. Our formulas simplify further for some special cases, such as Mersenne, Thabit, and repunit numerical semigroups. Finally, we partially solve an open problem for the Proth numerical semigroup.

A note on small generators of number fields, II

Shabnam Akhtari, Jeffrey Vaaler, Martin Widmer

Let $K$ be an algebraic number field and $H$ the absolute Weil height. Write $c_K$ for a certain positive constant that is an invariant of $K$. We consider the question: does $K$ contain an algebraic integer $\alpha$ such that both $K = \mathbb{Q}(\alpha)$ and $H(\alpha) \le c_K$? If $K$ has a real embedding then a positive answer was established in previous work. Here we obtain a positive answer if $\textrm{Tor}\bigl(K^{\times}\bigr) \not= \{\pm 1\}$, and so $K$ has only complex embeddings. We also show that if the answer is negative, then $K$ is totally complex, $\textrm{Tor}\bigl(K^{\times}\bigr) = \{\pm 1\}$, and $K$ is a Galois extension of its maximal totally real subfield. Further, we show that if $\mu \in O_K$ is not totally real, then there exists $\alpha$ in $O_K$ with $K = \mathbb{Q}(\alpha)$ and $H(\alpha) \le H(\mu)\thinspace c_K$.

Doubly isogenous curves of genus two with a rational action of $D_6$

Jeremy Booher, Everett W. Howe, Andrew V. Sutherland, José Felipe Voloch

Let $C$ and $C'$ be curves over a finite field $K$, provided with embeddings $\iota$ and $\iota'$ into their Jacobian varieties. Let $D\to C$ and $D'\to C'$ be the pullbacks (via these embeddings) of the multiplication-by-$2$ maps on the Jacobians. We say that $(C,\iota)$ and $(C',\iota')$ are \emph{doubly isogenous} if $\mathrm{Jac}(C)$ and $\mathrm{Jac}(C')$ are isogenous over $K$ and $\mathrm{Jac}(D)$ and $\mathrm{Jac}(D')$ are isogenous over~$K$. When we restrict attention to the case where $C$ and $C'$ are curves of genus $2$ whose groups of $K$-rational automorphisms are isomorphic to the dihedral group $D_6$ of order $12$, we find many more doubly isogenous pairs than one would expect from reasonable heuristics. Our analysis of this overabundance of doubly isogenous curves over finite fields leads to the construction of a pair of doubly isogenous curves over a number field. That such a global example exists seems extremely surprising. We show that the Zilber--Pink conjecture implies that there can only be finitely many such examples. When we exclude reductions of this pair of global curves in our counts, we find that the data for the remaining curves is consistent with our original heuristic. Computationally, we find that doubly isogenous curves in our family of $D_6$ curves can be distinguished from one another by considering the isogeny classes of the Prym varieties of certain unramified covers of exponent $3$ and $4$. We discuss how our family of curves can be potentially be used to obtain a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm to factor univariate polynomials over finite fields via an argument of Kayal and Poonen.

Square-full values of quadratic polynomials

Watcharakiete Wongcharoenbhorn, Yotsanan Meemark

A $\textit{square-full}$ number is a positive integer for which all its prime divisors divide itself at least twice. The counting function of square-full integers of the form $f(n)$ for $n\leqslant N$ is denoted by $S^{{\mathstrut\hspace{0.05em}\blacksquare}}_f(N)$. We have known that for a relatively prime pair $(a,b)\in\mathbb N\times \mathbb N\cup\{0\}$ with a linear polynomial $f(x)=ax+b$, its counting function is $\asymp_{a,b} N^\frac{1}{2}$. Fix $\varepsilon>0$, for an admissible quadratic polynomial $f(x)$, we prove that $$S^{{\mathstrut\hspace{0.05em}\blacksquare}}_f(N)\ll_{\varepsilon, f} N^{\varpi+\varepsilon}$$ for some absolute constant $\varpi<1/2$. Under the assumption on the $abc$ conjecture, we expect the upper bound to be $O_{\varepsilon,f}(N^\varepsilon)$.

Shifted moments of quadratic Dirichlet $L$-functions

Peng Gao, Liangyi Zhao

We establish sharp upper bounds for shifted moments of quadratic Dirichlet $L$-function under the generalized Riemann hypothesis. Our result is then used to prove bounds for moments of quadratic Dirichlet character sums.

SL(2,Z)-matrixizations of generalized Markov numbers

Yasuaki Gyoda, Shuhei Maruyama, Yusuke Sato

For $k\geq 0$, a $k$-generalized Markov number is an integer which appears in some positive integer solution to the $k$-generalized Markov equation $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + k(yz + zx + xy) = (3 + 3k)xyz$. In this paper, we discuss a combinatorial structure of generalized Markov numbers. To investigate this structure in detail, we use two families of matrices: the $k$-generalized Cohn matrices and the $k$-Markov-monodromy matrices, which are elements of $SL(2, \mathbb{Z})$ whose $(1,2)$-entries are $k$-generalized Markov numbers. We show that these two families of matrices recover the tree structure of the positive integer solutions to the generalized Markov equation, and we give geometric interpretations and a combinatorial interpretation of $k$-generalized Markov numbers. As an application, we provide a computation algorithm of classical Markov number from a one-dimensional dynamical viewpoint. Moreover, we clarify a relation between $k$-generalized Markov numbers and toric surface singularities via continued fractions.

Exercises in Iterational Asymptotics

Steven Finch

The problems and solutions contained here, all associated with nonlinear recurrences and long-term trends, are new (as far as is known).

Exercises in Iterational Asymptotics II

Steven Finch

The nonlinear recurrences we consider here include the functions $3x(1-x)$ and $\cos(x)$, which possess attractive fixed points $2/3$ and $0.739...$ (Dottie's number). Detailed asymptotics for oscillatory convergence are found, starting with a 1960 paper by Wolfgang Thron. Another function, $x/(1+x\ln(1+x))$, gives rise to a sequence with monotonic convergence to $0$ but requires substantial work to calculate its associated constant $C$.

Weak weak approximation for certain quadric surface bundles

Nick Rome

We investigate weak approximation away from a finite set of places for a class of biquadratic fourfolds inside $\mathbb{P}^3 \times \mathbb{P}^2$, some of which appear in the recent work of Hassett--Pirutka--Tschinkel.

Bernstein-Sato theory modulo $p^m$

Thomas Bitoun, Eamon Quinlan-Gallego

For fixed prime integer $p > 0$ we develop a notion of Bernstein-Sato polynomial for polynomials with $\mathbb{Z} / p^m$-coefficients, compatible with existing theory in the case $m = 1$. We show that the ``roots" of such polynomials are rational and we show that the negative roots agree with those of the mod-$p$ reduction. We give examples to show that, surprisingly, roots may be positive in this context. Moreover, our construction allows us to define a notion of ``strength" for roots by measuring $p$-torsion, and we show that ``strong" roots give rise to roots in characteristic zero through mod-$p$ reduction.

Generalized Hostadter functions G, H and beyond: numeration systems and discrepancy

Pierre Letouzey (IRIF, PICUBE)

Hofstadter's G function is recursively defined via $G(0)=0$ and then $G(n)=n-G(G(n-1))$. Following Hofstadter, a family $(F_k)$ of similar functions is obtained by varying the number $k$ of nested recursive calls in this equation. We study here some Fibonacci-like sequences that are deeply connected with these functions $F_k$. In particular, the Zeckendorf theorem can be adapted to provide digital expansions via sums of terms of these sequences. On these digital expansions, the functions $F_k$ are acting as right shifts of the digits. These Fibonacci-like sequences can be expressed in terms of zeros of the polynomial $X^k{-}X^{k-1}{-}1$. Considering now the discrepancy of each function $F_k$, i.e., the maximal distance between $F_k$ and its linear equivalent, we retrieve the fact that this discrepancy is finite exactly when $k \le 4$. Thanks to that, we solve two twenty-year-old OEIS conjectures stating how close the functions $F_3$ and $F_4$ are from the integer parts of their linear equivalents. Moreover we establish that $F_k$ can coincide exactly with such an integer part only when $k\le 2$, while $F_k$ is almost additive exactly when $k \le 4$. Finally, a nice fractal shape a la Rauzy has been encountered when investigating the discrepancy of $F_3$. Almost all this article has been formalized and verified in the Coq/Rocq proof assistant.

$B_h$-sets of real and complex numbers

Melvyn B. Nathanson

Let $K = \mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$. An $n$-element subset $A$ of $K$ is a $B_h$-set if every element of $K$ has at most one representation as the sum of $h$ not necessarily distinct elements of $A$. Associated to the $B_h$ set $A = \{a_1,\ldots, a_n\}$ are the $B_h$-vectors $\mathbf{a} = (a_1,\ldots, a_n)$ in $K^n$. This paper proves that ``almost all'' $n$-element subsets of $K$ are $B_h$-sets in the sense that the set of all $B_h$-vectors is a dense open subset of $K^n$.