The moduli space of representations of the modular group into $G_2$ math.NTmath.AG
In this paper we construct a large four-dimensional family of representations of the modular group into $G_2$. Precisely, this family is an etale cover of degree $96$ of an open subset of the moduli space of such representations. This moduli space has two main components, of dimensions one and four. The one-dimensional component consists of well-studied rigid representations, in the sese of Katz. We focus on the four-dimensional component which consists of representations that are not rigid. We also provide algebraic conditions to ensure that the specializations surject onto $G_2(\FF_p)$ for primes $p\geq 5$. These representations give new examples of $\phi$-congruence subgroups of the modular group as introduced in \cite{bff}.