Number Theory [math.NT]

Quadratically enriched binomial coefficients over a finite field

Chongyao Chen, Kirsten Wickelgren

We compute an analogue of Pascal's triangle enriched in bilinear forms over a finite field. This gives an arithmetically meaningful count of the ways to choose $j$ embeddings into an \'etale extension of degree $n$. We also compute a quadratic twist. These (twisted) enriched binomial coefficients are defined in joint work of Brugall\'e and the second-named author, building on work of Garibaldi, Merkurjev, and Serre. Such binomial coefficients support curve counting results over non-algebraically closed fields, using $A^1$-homotopy theory.

Residual paramodularity of a certain Calabi-Yau threefold

Neil Dummigan, Gonzalo Tornaría

We prove congruences of Hecke eigenvalues between cuspidal Hilbert newforms $f_{79}$ and $h_{79}$ over $F=\mathbb Q(\sqrt{5})$, of weights (2,2) and (2,4) respectively, level of norm 79. In the main example, the modulus is a divisor of 5 in some coefficient field, in the secondary example a divisor of 2. The former allows us to prove that the 4-dimensional mod-5 representation of $\mathrm{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb Q} / \mathbb Q)$ on the 3rd cohomology of a certain Calabi-Yau threefold comes from a Siegel modular form $F_{79}$ of genus 2, weight 3 and paramodular level 79. This is a weak form of a conjecture of Golyshev and van Straten. In aid of this, we prove also a congruence of Hecke eigenvalues between $F_{79}$ and the Johnson-Leung-Roberts lift $\mathrm{JR}(h_{79})$, which has weight 3 and paramodular level $79\times 5^2$.

Schottky invariant diffusion on the transcendent p-adic upper half plane

Patrick Erik Bradley

The transcendent part of the Drinfeld p-adic upper half plane is shown to be a Polish space. Using Radon measures associated with regular differential 1-forms invariant under Schottky groups allows to construct self-adjoint diffusion operators as Laplacian integral operators with kernel functions determined by the p-adic absolute value on the complex p-adic numbers. Their spectra are explicitly calculated and the corresponding Cauchy problems for their associated heat equations are found to be uniquely solvable and to determine Markov processes having paths which are cadlag. The heat kernels are shown to have explicitly given distribution functions, as well as boundary value problems associated with the heat equations under Dirchlet and von Neumann conditions are solved.

Rational torsion of generalised Drinfeld modular Jacobians of prime power level

Mar Curcó-Iranzo

For a prime $\mathfrak{p} \subseteq \mathbb{F}_{q}[T]$ and a positive integer $r$, we consider the generalised Jacobian $J_{0}(\mathfrak{n})_{\mathbf{m}}$ of the Drinfeld modular curve $X_{0}(\mathfrak{n})$ of level $\mathfrak{n}=\mathfrak{p}^r$, with respect to the modulus~$\mathbf{m}$ consisting of all cusps on the modular curve. We show that the $\ell$-primary part of the group $J_{0}(\mathfrak{n})_{\mathbf{m}}(\mathbb{F}_{q}(T))_{\rm{tor}}[\ell^{\infty}]$ is trivial for all primes $\ell$ not dividing $q(q^{2}-1)$. Our results establish a function field analogue to those of Yamazaki--Yang for the classical case.

Euler-type recurrences for $t$-color and $t$-regular partition functions

Tapas Bhowmik, Wei-Lun Tsai, Dongxi Ye

We give Euler-like recursive formulas for the $t$-colored partition function when $t=2$ or $t=3,$ as well as for all $t$-regular partition functions. In particular, we derive an infinite family of ``triangular number" recurrences for the $3$-colored partition function. Our proofs are inspired by the recent work of Gomez, Ono, Saad, and Singh on the ordinary partition function and make extensive use of $q$-series identities for $(q;q)_{\infty}$ and $(q;q)_{\infty}^3.$

On arithmetic terms expressing the prime-counting function and the n-th prime

Mihai Prunescu, Joseph M. Shunia

We present the first fixed-length elementary closed-form expressions for the prime-counting function, pi(n), and the n-th prime number, p(n). These expressions are represented as arithmetic terms, requiring only a fixed and finite number of elementary arithmetic operations from the set: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division with remainder, exponentiation. Mazzanti proved that every Kalmar function can be represented by arithmetic terms. We develop an arithmetic term representing the prime omega function, omega(n), which counts the number of distinct prime divisors of a positive integer n. From this term, we find immediately an arithmetic term for the prime-counting function, pi(n). We utilize these results, along with a new arithmetic term for binomial coefficients and new prime-related exponential Diophantine equations to construct an arithmetic term for the n-th prime number, p(n), thereby providing a constructive solution to a fundamental question in mathematics: Is there an order to the primes?

Rational points in a family of conics over $\mathbb{F}_2(t)$

Daniel Loughran, Judith Ortmann

Serre famously showed that almost all plane conics over $\mathbb{Q}$ have no rational point. We investigate versions of this over global function fields, focusing on a specific family of conics over $\mathbb{F}_2(t)$ which illustrates new behaviour. We obtain an asymptotic formula using harmonic analysis, which requires a new Tauberian theorem over function fields for Dirichlet series with branch point singularities.

Minimal rank of primitively $n$-universal integral quadratic forms over local rings

Byeong-Kweon Oh, Jongheun Yoon

Let $F$ be a local field and let $R$ be its ring of integers. For a positive integer $n$, an integral quadratic form defined over $R$ is called primitively $n$-universal if it primitively represents all quadratic forms of rank $n$. It was proved in arXiv:2005.11268 that the minimal rank of primitively $1$-universal quadratic forms over the $p$-adic integer ring $\mathbb{Z}_p$ is $2$ if $p$ is odd, and $3$ otherwise. In this article, we completely determine the minimal rank of primitively $n$-universal quadratic forms over $R$ for any positive integer $n$ and any local ring $R$ such that $2$ is a unit or a prime.

Local solubility of ternary cubic forms

Golo Wolff

We consider cubic forms $\phi_{a,b}(x,y,z) = ax^3 + by^3 - z^3$ with coefficients $a,b \in \mathbb{Z}$. We give an asymptotic formula for how many of these forms are locally soluble everywhere, i.e. we give an asymptotic formula for the number of pairs of integers $(a, b)$ that satisfy $1 \leq a \leq A$, $1 \leq b \leq B$ and some mild conditions, such that $\phi_{a,b}$ has a non-zero solution in $\mathbb{Q}_p$ for all primes $p$.

Some permutation pentanomials over finite fields of even characteristic

Farhana Kousar, Maosheng Xiong

In a recent paper Zhang et al. constructed 17 families of permutation pentanomials of the form $x^t+x^{r_1(q-1)+t}+x^{r_2(q-1)+t}+x^{r_3(q-1)+t}+x^{r_4(q-1)+t}$ over $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$ where $q=2^m$. In this paper for 14 of these 17 families we provide a simple explanation as to why they are permutations. We also extend these 14 families into three general classes of permutation pentanomials over $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$.

Limit points of uniform arithmetic bass notes

Will Hide, Bram Petri

We prove that the set of limit points of the set of all spectral gaps of closed arithmetic hyperbolic surfaces equals $[0,\frac{1}{4}]$.

Towards Common Zeros of Iterated Morphisms

Chatchai Noytaptim, Xiao Zhong

Recently, the authors have proved the finiteness of common zeros of two iterated rational maps under some compositional independence assumptions. In this article, we advance towards a question of Hsia and Tucker on a Zariski non-density of common zeros of iterated morphisms on a variety. More precisely, we provide an affirmative answer in the case of H\'{e}non type maps on $\mathbb{A}^2$, endomorphisms on $(\mathbb{P}^1)^n$, and polynomial skew products on $\mathbb{A}^2$ defined over $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$. As a by-product, we prove a Tits' alternative analogy for semigroups generated by two regular polynomial skew products.

Values and derivative values at nonpositive integers of generalized multiple Hurwitz zeta functions, applications to Witten zeta functions

Simon Rutard

We present an analytic continuation of certain multiple zeta functions of generalized Hurwitz type. From this analytic continuation we derive explicit formulas for their values and derivative values at nonpositive integers along a direction. As an application, we provide explicit formulas for some values and derivative values of the Witten zeta functions $\zeta_{\mathfrak{g}_2}$ and $\zeta_{\mathfrak{so}(5)}$. Furthermore, by employing a Meinardus-type theorem, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of the number of $n$-dimensional representations of the exceptional Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}_2$.

Rank stability of elliptic curves in certain non-abelian extensions

Siddhi Pathak, Anwesh Ray

Let $E_{/\mathbb{Q}}$ be an elliptic curve with rank $E(\mathbb{Q})=0$. Fix an odd prime $p$, a positive integer $n$ and a finite abelian extension $K/\mathbb{Q}$ with rank $E(K) = 0$. In this paper, we show that there exist infinitely many extensions $L/K$ such that $L/\mathbb{Q}$ is Galois with $\operatorname{Gal}(L/\mathbb{Q}) \simeq \operatorname{Gal}(K/\mathbb{Q}) \ltimes \mathbb{Z}/p^n\mathbb{Z}$, and rank $E(L)=0$. This is an extension of earlier results on rank stability of elliptic curves in cyclic extensions of prime power order to a non-abelian setting. We also obtain an asymptotic lower bound for the number of such extensions, ordered by their absolute discriminant.

Elliptic Units Above Fields With Exactly One Complex Place

Pierre L. L. Morain

In this work we explore the construction of abelian extensions of number fields with exactly one complex place using multivariate analytic functions in the spirit of Hilbert's 12th problem. To this end we study the special values of the multiple elliptic Gamma functions introduced in the early 2000s by Nishizawa following the work of Felder and Varchenko on Ruijsenaars' elliptic Gamma function. We construct geometric variants of these functions enjoying transformation properties under an action of $\mathrm{SL}_{d}(\mathbb{Z})$ for $d \geq 2$. The evaluation of these functions at points of a degree $d$ field $\mathbb{K}$ with exactly one complex place following the scheme of a recent article by Bergeron, Charollois and Garc\'ia (arXiv:2311.04110) seems to produce algebraic numbers. More precisely, we conjecture that such infinite products yield algebraic units in abelian extensions of $\mathbb{K}$ related to conjectural Stark units and we provide numerical evidence to support this conjecture for cubic, quartic and quintic fields.

A bound on the $\mu$-invariants of supersingular elliptic curves

Rylan Gajek-Leonard

Let $E/\mathbb{Q}$ be an elliptic curve and let $p$ be a prime of good supersingular reduction. Attached to $E$ are pairs of Iwasawa invariants $\mu_p^\pm$ and $\lambda_p^\pm$ which encode arithmetic properties of $E$ along the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. A well-known conjecture of B. Perrin-Riou and R. Pollack asserts that $\mu_p^\pm=0$. We provide support for this conjecture by proving that for any $\ell\geq 0$, we have $\mu_p^\pm\leq 1$ for all but finitely many primes $p$ with $\lambda_p^\pm=\ell$. As a corollary, we show that if $E$ has Mordell-Weil rank 0 then $\mu_p^\pm\leq 1$ holds on density 1 set of good supersingular primes.

Non-zero values of a family of approximations of a class of $L$-functions

Arindam Roy, Kevin You

Consider the approximation $\tilde{Z}_N(s) = \sum_{n=1}^N n^{-s} + \chi(s) \sum_{n=1}^N n^{1-s}$ of the Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$, where $\chi(s)$ is the ratio of the gamma functions. This arise from the approximate functional equation of $\zeta(s)$. Gonek and Montgomery have shown that $\tilde{Z}_N(s)$ has 100\% of its zeros lie on the critical line. Recently, $a$-values of $\tilde{Z}_N(s)$ for non-zero complex number $a$ are studied and it has been shown that the $a$-values of $\tilde{Z}_N(s)$ are cluster arbitrarily close to the critical line. In this paper, we show that, despite the above, 0\% of non-zero $a$-values of $\tilde{Z}_N(s)$ actually lie on the critical line itself. For $\zeta(s)$ at most $50\%$ non-zero $a$-values lie on the critical line is known due to Lester. We also extend our results to approximations of a wider class of $L$-functions.

Criteria of maximality and minimality of van der Geer-van der Vlugt curves

Tetsushi Ito, Ren Tatematsu, Takahiro Tsushima

The van der Geer-van der Vlugt curves are Artin-Schreier coverings of the affine line defined by linearized polynomials over finite fields. We give several criteria for them to be maximal or minimal, i.e. attaining the upper or lower bound in the Hasse-Weil inequalities. We also study the $L$-polynomials of certain generalizations of van der Geer-van der Vlugt curves. As applications, we find several maximal (or minimal) curves among them. Our proof is based on an explicit formula of $L$-polynomials recently obtained by Takeuchi and the third author.

Kolyvagin's conjecture for modular forms

Matteo Longo, Maria Rosaria Pati, Stefano Vigni

Our main result in this article is a proof (under mild technical assumptions) of an analogue for $p$-adic Galois representations attached to a newform $f$ of even weight $k\geq4$ of Kolyvagin's conjecture on the $p$-indivisibility of derived Heegner points on elliptic curves, where $p$ is a prime number that is ordinary for $f$. Our strategy, which is inspired by work of W. Zhang in weight $2$, is based on a variant for modular forms of the congruence method originally introduced by Bertolini-Darmon to prove one divisibility in the anticyclotomic Iwasawa main conjecture for rational elliptic curves. We adapt to higher (even) weight modular forms this approach via congruences, building crucially on results of Wang on the indivisibility of Heegner cycles over Shimura curves. Then we offer an application of our results on Kolyvagin's conjecture to the Tamagawa number conjecture for the motive of $f$ and describe other (standard) consequences on structure theorems for Bloch-Kato-Selmer groups, $p$-parity results and converse theorems for $f$. Since in the present paper we need $p>k+1$, our main theorem and its applications can be viewed as complementary to results obtained by the first and third authors in their article on the Tamagawa number conjecture for modular motives, where Kolyvagin's conjecture was proved (in a completely different way exploiting the arithmetic of Hida families) under the assumption that $k$ is congruent to $2$ modulo $2(p-1)$, which forces $p

Drinfeld modular polynomials of level $T$

Florian Breuer, Mahefason Heriniaina Razafinjatovo

We investigate Drinfeld modular polynomials parametrizing $T$-isogenies between Drinfeld $\mathbb{F}_q[T]$-modules of rank $r\geq 2$. By providing an explicit classification of such isogenies, we derive explicit bounds on the $T$-degrees of the coefficients of the associated modular polynomials. In particular, we obtain exact expressions for the height (i.e. degree of the largest coefficient) of these modular polynomials. Numerical computations show that the bounds on the smaller coefficients are often sharp, too.

Ceresa cycles of bielliptic Picard curves

Jef Laga, Ari Shnidman

We show that the Ceresa cycle $\kappa(C_t)$ of the genus $3$ curve $C_t \colon y^3 = x^4 + 2tx^2 + 1$ is torsion if and only if $Q_t=( \sqrt[3]{t^2 -1},t)$ is a torsion point on the elliptic curve $y^2 = x^3 + 1$. This shows that there are infinitely many smooth plane quartic curves over $\mathbb{C}$ (resp. $\mathbb{Q}$) with torsion (resp. infinite order) Ceresa cycle. Over $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$, we show that the Beilinson--Bloch height of $\kappa(C_t)$ is proportional to the Neron--Tate height of $Q_t$. Thus, the height of $\kappa(C_t)$ is nondegenerate and satisfies a Northcott property. To prove all this, we show that the Chow motive that controls $\kappa(C_t)$ is isomorphic to $\mathfrak{h}^1$ of an appropriate elliptic curve.

Putting the p back in Prym

Jeff Achter, Sebastian Casalaina-Martin

After Jacobians of curves, Prym varieties are perhaps the next most studied abelian varieties. They turn out to be quite useful in a number of contexts. For technical reasons, there does not appear to be any systematic treatment of Prym varieties in characteristic 2, and due to our recent interest in this topic, the purpose of this paper is to fill in that gap. Our main result is a classification of branched covers of curves in characteristic 2 that give rise to Prym varieties. We are also interested in the case of Prym varieties in the relative setting, and so we develop that theory here as well, including an extension of Welters' Criterion.