Number Theory [math.NT]

The moduli space of representations of the modular group into $G_2$

Angelica Babei, Andrew Fiori, Cameron Franc

In this paper we construct a large four-dimensional family of representations of the modular group into $G_2$. Precisely, this family is an etale cover of degree $96$ of an open subset of the moduli space of such representations. This moduli space has two main components, of dimensions one and four. The one-dimensional component consists of well-studied rigid representations, in the sese of Katz. We focus on the four-dimensional component which consists of representations that are not rigid. We also provide algebraic conditions to ensure that the specializations surject onto $G_2(\FF_p)$ for primes $p\geq 5$. These representations give new examples of $\phi$-congruence subgroups of the modular group as introduced in \cite{bff}.

Multiplicative dependence in linear recurrence sequences

Attila Bérczes, Lajos Hajdu, Alina Ostafe, Igor E. Shparlinski

For a wide class of integer linear recurrence sequences $\left(u(n)\right)_{n=1}^\infty$, we give an upper bound on the number of $s$-tuples $\left(n_1, \ldots, n_s\right) \in \left(\mathbb Z\cap [M+1,M+ N]\right)^s$ such that the corresponding elements $u(n_1), \ldots, u(n_s)$ in the sequence are multiplicatively dependent.

A $p$-adic Gross-Zagier formula for twisted triple product $p$-adic $L$-functions attached to finite slope families

Ting-Han Huang, Ananyo Kazi

Our main objective in the present paper is to generalise the work of Blanco-Chac\'{o}n and Fornea on the $p$-adic Gross-Zagier formula for twisted triple product $p$-aidc $L$-function. We extend their main result to the case of finite slope families of Hilbert modular forms and also allow the prime $p$ to be inert in the real quadratic field $L$.

Probabilistic interpretation of the Selberg--Delange Method in analytic number theory

Maximilian Janisch

In analytic number theory, the Selberg--Delange Method provides an asymptotic formula for the partial sums of a complex function $f$ whose Dirichlet series has the form of a product of a well-behaved analytic function and a complex power of the Riemann zeta function. In probability theory, mod-Poisson convergence is a refinement of convergence in distribution toward a normal distribution. This stronger form of convergence not only implies a Central Limit Theorem but also offers finer control over the distribution of the variables, such as precise estimates for large deviations. In this paper, we show that results in analytic number theory derived using the Selberg--Delange Method lead to mod-Poisson convergence as $x \to \infty$ for the number of distinct prime factors of a randomly chosen integer between $1$ and $x$, where the integer is distributed according to a broad class of multiplicative functions. As a Corollary, we recover a part of a recent result by Elboim and Gorodetsky under different, though related, conditions: A Central Limit Theorem for the number of distinct prime factors of such random integers.

Local-global principle for isogenies of elliptic curves over quadratic fields

Stevan Gajović, Jeroen Hanselman, Angelos Koutsianas

In this paper, we prove that the local-global principle of $11$-isogenies for elliptic curves over quadratic fields does not fail. This gives a positive answer to a conjecture by Banwait and Cremona. The proof is based on the determination of the set of quadratic points on the modular curve $X_{D_{10}}(11)$.

Large values of Maass forms on hyperbolic Grassmannians in the volume aspect

Thibaut Menes

Let $n > m \geq 1$ be integers such that $n+ m \geq 4$ is even. We prove the existence, in the volume aspect, of exceptional Maass forms on compact quotients of the hyperbolic Grassmannian of signature $(n,m)$. The method builds upon the work of Rudnick and Sarnak, extended by Donnelly and then generalized by Brumley and Marshall to higher rank manifolds. It combines a counting argument with a period relation, showing that a certain period distinguishes theta lifts from an auxiliary group. The congruence structure is defined with respect to this period and the auxiliary group is either $U(m,m)$ or $Sp_{2m}(\mathbb{R})$, making $(U(n,m),U(m,m))$ or $(O(n,m),Sp_{2m}(\mathbb{R}))$ a type 1 dual reductive pair. The lower bound is naturally expressed, up to a logarithmic factor, as the ratio of the volumes, with the principal congruence structure on the auxiliary group.

Local solubility of generalised Fermat equations

Peter Koymans, Ross Paterson, Tim Santens, Alec Shute

For every $n \geq 2$ we determine the asymptotic formula for the number of integer triples $(a,b,c)$ of bounded absolute value such that the generalised Fermat equation given by $ax^n+by^n+cz^n=0$ is everywhere locally soluble. We compute the leading constant, answering a question of Loughran--Rome--Sofos, and determine that the conjectures of Loughran--Smeets and Loughran--Rome--Sofos hold for such equations.

Orthogonality relations for Poincar\'e series

Sonja Žunar

Let $ G $ be a connected semisimple Lie group with finite center. We prove a formula for the inner product of two cuspidal automorphic forms on $ G $ that are given by Poincar\'e series of $ K $-finite matrix coefficients of an integrable discrete series representation of $ G $. As an application, we give a new proof of a well-known result on the Petersson inner product of certain vector-valued Siegel cusp forms. In this way, we extend results previously obtained by G. Mui\'c for cusp forms on the upper half-plane, i.e., in the case when $ G=\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb R) $.

Exponential Diophantine approximation and symbolic dynamics

Shigeki Akiyama, Teturo Kamae, Hajime Kaneko

We extend the key formula which intertwines multiplicative Markoff-Lagrange spectrum and symbolic dynamics. The proof uses complex analysis and elucidates the strategy of the problem. Moreover, the new method applies to a wide variety of polynomials possibly having multiple roots. We derive several consequences of this formula, which are expected on the Markoff-Lagrange spectrum.

Transcendence and normality of complex numbers via Hurwitz continued fractions

Felipe García-Ramos, Gerardo González Robert, Mumtaz Hussain

We study the topological, dynamical, and descriptive set theoretic properties of Hurwitz continued fractions. Hurwitz continued fractions associate an infinite sequence of Gaussian integers to every complex number which is not a Gaussian rational. The resulting space of sequences of Gaussian integers $\Omega$ is not closed. By means of an algorithm, we show that $\Omega$ contains a natural subset whose closure $\overline{\mathsf{R}}$ encodes continued fraction expansions of complex numbers which are not Gaussian rationals. We prove that $(\overline{\mathsf{R}}, \sigma)$ is a subshift with a feeble specification property. As an application, we determine the rank in the Borel hierarchy of the set of Hurwitz normal numbers with respect to the complex Gauss measure. We also construct a family of complex transcendental numbers with bounded partial quotients.

Twisted Triple Product $p$-adic $L$-function for Finite Slope Families of Hilbert Modular Forms

Ananyo Kazi

Let $L$ be a totally real field, and $p$ be a rational prime that is unramified in $L$. We construct overconvergent families of classes of relative de Rham cohomology of the universal abelian scheme over Hilbert modular varieties associated to $L$. We show that these classes come equipped with Gauss-Manin connection. We prove convergence for $p$-adic iteration of this connection, improving upon a technique due to Andreatta-Iovita. We use this to construct a $p$-adic twisted triple product $L$-function associated to finite slope families of Hilbert modular forms, extending work of Blanco-Chacon-Fornea for Hida families.

Non-trivial Integer Solutions of $x^r+y^r=Dz^p$

Yasemin Kara, Diana Mocanu, Ekin Özman

In this paper, we use the modular method over totally real fields together with some standard conjectures (the Weak Frey--Mazur Conjecture and the Eichler--Shimura Conjecture) to prove that infinitely many equations of the type $x^r+y^r=Dz^p$ do not have any non-trivial primitive integer solutions, where $r \geq 5$ is a fixed prime, whenever $p$ is large enough. For $r \equiv 3 \pmod 4$, we get the same result with only assuming the Weak Frey--Mazur Conjecture.

A classification of Markoff-Fibonacci m-triples

D. Alfaya, L. A. Calvo, A. Martínez de Guinea, J. Rodrigo, A. Srinivasan

We classify all solution triples with Fibonacci components to the equation $a^2+b^2+c^2=3abc+m,$ for positive $m$. We show that for $m=2$ they are precisely $(1,F(b),F(b+2))$, with even $b$; for $m=21$, there exist exactly two Fibonacci solutions $(1,2,8)$ and $(2,2,13)$ and for any other $m$ there exists at most one Fibonacci solution, which, in case it exists, is always minimal (i.e. it is a root of a Markoff tree). Moreover, we show that there is an infinite number of values of $m$ admitting exactly one such solution.

On a parity result for the symmetric square of modular forms with congruent residual representations

Jishnu Ray

The parity of Selmer ranks for elliptic curves defined over the rational numbers $\mathbb{Q}$ with good ordinary reduction at an odd prime $p$ has been studied by Shekhar. The proof of Shekhar relies on proving a parity result for the $\lambda$-invariants of Selmer groups over the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension $\mathbb{Q}_\infty$ of $\mathbb{Q}$. This has been further generalized for elliptic curves with supersingular reduction at $p$ by Hatley and for modular forms by Hatley--Lei. In this paper, we prove a parity result for the $\lambda$-invariants of Selmer groups over $\mathbb{Q}_\infty$ for the symmetric square representations associated to two modular forms with congruent residual Galois representations. We treat both the ordinary and the non-ordinary cases.

A note on congruences for generalized cubic partitions modulo primes

Russelle Guadalupe

Recently, Amdeberhan, Sellers, and Singh introduced the notion of a generalized cubic partition function $a_c(n)$ and proved two isolated congruences via modular forms, namely, $a_3(7n+4)\equiv 0\pmod{7}$ and $a_5(11n+10)\equiv 0\pmod{11}$. In this paper, we provide another proof of these congruences by using classical $q$-series manipulations. We also give infinite families of congruences for $a_c(n)$ for primes $p\not\equiv 1\pmod{8}$.

An $l$-adic norm residue epimorphism theorem

Bruno Kahn

We show that the continuous \'etale cohomology groups $H^n_{\mathrm{cont}}(X,\mathbf{Z}_l(n))$ of smooth varieties $X$ over a finite field $k$ are spanned as $\mathbf{Z}_l$-modules by the $n$-th Milnor $K$-sheaf locally for the Zariski topology, for all $n\ge 0$. Here $l$ is a prime invertible in $k$. This is the first general unconditional result towards the conjectures of arXiv:math/9801017 (math.AG) which put together the Tate and the Beilinson conjectures relative to algebraic cycles on smooth projective $k$-varieties.

Rigidity in a Fixed Number Field and a Directional $p$-Adic Littlewood Conjecture for Algebraic Vectors

Yuval Yifrach

Let $X_n$ be the space of unimodular lattices in $\RR^n$ and let $A$ be the full diagonal group in $\on{SL}_n(\RR)$. It is known that compact $A$-orbits originate from moduls in totally real degree $n$ number fields. Our first result shows that for a natural family of compact orbits $(Ax_k)_k$ all originating from a fixed number field $K$, every weak limit of the Haar measures on those orbits $m_{Ax_k}$ must contain the Haar measure $m_{X_n}$ as an ergodic component. This result generalizes certain aspects of the work by Aka and Shapira in \cite{Shapira-Aka} to arbitrary dimensions, as well as elements from Shapira-Zheng in \cite{shapira2021translates}. For every vector $\overline \alpha\in \RR^n$ and for every rational approximation $(\overline p,q)\in \RR^n\times\RR$ we can associate the displacement vector $q\alpha-\overline p$. We focus on algebraic vectors, namely $\overline \alpha=(\alpha_1,\dots,\alpha_n)$ such that $1, \alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n$ span a rank $n$ number field. For these vectors, we investigate the size of their displacements as well as the distribution of their directions. We establish that algebraic vector $\overline \alpha$ satisfy the $p$-adic Littlewood Conjecture. Namely, we prove that \begin{equation} \liminf_{k \to \infty} \left( k \|k\|_p \right)^{1/n} \| k (\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n) \|_\infty = 0. \end{equation} Additionally, we classify all limiting distributions, with a special weighting, of the sequence of directions of the defects in the $\varepsilon$-approximations of $(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n)$. Each such limiting measure is expressed as the pushforward of an algebraic measure on $X_n$ to the sphere. Our proof relies on estimates of the asymptotic orders of units in fixed number fields modulo families of natural numbers and on rigidity results from \cite{ELMV1}.