Darmon points¶
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- darmonpoints.darmonpoints.construct_homology_cycle(P, G, D, prec, hecke_poly_getter, outfile=None, max_n=None, elliptic_curve=None, smoothen_prime=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.darmonpoints.darmon_discriminants(bound, split_primes=None, inert_primes=None)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.darmonpoints.darmon_point(P, E, beta, prec, ramification_at_infinity=None, input_data=None, magma=None, working_prec=None, recognize_point=True, **kwargs)[source]¶
We first need to import the module:
sage: from darmonpoints.darmonpoints import darmon_point
A first example (Stark–Heegner point):
sage: from darmonpoints.darmonpoints import darmon_point sage: darmon_point(7,EllipticCurve(‘35a1’),41,20, cohomological=False, use_magma=False, use_ps_dists = True)[0] Starting computation of the Darmon point … -70*alpha + 449
A quaternionic (Greenberg) point:
sage: darmon_point(13,EllipticCurve(‘78a1’),5,20) # long time # optional - magma
A Darmon point over a cubic (1,1) field:
sage: F.<r> = NumberField(x^3 - x^2 - x + 2) sage: E = EllipticCurve([-r -1, -r, -r - 1,-r - 1, 0]) sage: N = E.conductor() sage: P = F.ideal(r^2 - 2*r - 1) sage: beta = -3*r^2 + 9*r - 6 sage: darmon_point(P,E,beta,20) # long time # optional - magma
Darmon-Vonk points¶
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- class darmonpoints.darmonvonk.DVCocycle(G, x0, gamma_tau, tau_p)[source]¶
- class darmonpoints.darmonvonk.OverconvergentDVCocycle(G, phi0, base_ring=None)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.darmonvonk.construct_conjectural_field(D1, D2, magma, extra_conductor_1=1, extra_conductor_2=1, base=None, return_units=True)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.darmonvonk.darmon_vonk_cocycle(G, D, prec, extra_conductor=1, padic_field=None, hecke_data=None, outfile=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.darmonvonk.darmon_vonk_cycle(G, D, prec, extra_conductor=1, padic_field=None, hecke_data=None, outfile=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.darmonvonk.darmon_vonk_overconvergent_cocycle(G, D, prec, lift=True, working_prec=None, extra_conductor=1, outfile=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.darmonvonk.darmon_vonk_point(p, DB, D1, D2, prec, working_prec=None, magma=None, extra_conductor_1=1, extra_conductor_2=1, recognize_point='algdep', parity='all', degree_bound=8, outfile=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
sage: from darmonpoints.darmonvonk import darmon_vonk_point sage: J = darmon_vonk_point(5, 1, 3, 13, 60, parity=’+’, recognize_point=’algdep’,magma=magma) # optional - magma #### Starting computation of the Darmon-Vonk point #### … f = 7*x^2 + 11*x + 7
Curve finding¶
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- darmonpoints.findcurve.find_curve(P, DB, NE, prec, sign_ap=None, magma=None, return_all=False, initial_data=None, ramification_at_infinity=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
First example:
sage: from darmonpoints.findcurve import find_curve sage: find_curve(5,6,30,20) # long time # optional - magma # B = F<i,j,k>, with i^2 = -1 and j^2 = 3 … ‘(1, 0, 1, -289, 1862)’
A second example, now over a real quadratic:
sage: from darmonpoints.findcurve import find_curve sage: F.<r> = QuadraticField(5) sage: P = F.ideal(3/2*r + 1/2) sage: D = F.ideal(3) sage: find_curve(P,D,P*D,30,ramification_at_infinity = F.real_places()[:1]) # long time # optional - magma …
Now over a cubic of mixed signature:
sage: from darmonpoints.findcurve import find_curve sage: F.<r> = NumberField(x^3 -3) sage: P = F.ideal(r-2) sage: D = F.ideal(r-1) sage: find_curve(P,D,P*D,30) # long time # optional - magma …
p-adic periods¶
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.HalfPeriodsInTermsOfLambdas(L1, L2, L3, lvec_and_Mlist=None, HP0=None, prec=None, max_iters=20)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.I2_inv_padic_from_half_periods(a, b, c, q1, q2, q3, prec, threshold=None)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.absolute_igusa_padic_from_half_periods(p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3, prec, threshold=None)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.compare_AB_periods(Alist, Blist, T, Ag, Bg, Dg, prec, base=Rational Field, matlist=None)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.find_igusa_invariants(a, b, T, embedding, prec=None, outfile=None, list_I10=None, Pgen=None, N=6, cheatjs=None, parallelize=True)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.find_kadziela_matrices(M, T)[source]¶
The matrix M describes the relation between periods (A,B,D)^t and the periods (A0,B0)^t, where (A,B,D) are the periods of the Teitelbaum periods, and (A0,B0) are the Darmon ones.
(A,B,D)^t = M * (A0,B0)^t
The matrix T describes the action of Hecke on homology. That is, the first column of T describes the image of T on the first basis vector.
- The output are matrices X and Y such that
X * matrix(2,2,[A,B,B,D]) = matrix(2,2,[A0,B0,C0,D0]) * Y
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.generate_listI10(F, N)[source]¶
Generates a list of possible I10’s, of the form:
(+-1) * 2^i * u^j * p^k * N^2
where i is taken in a specific range(20,25) and j is taken in another range(-15,16) and p is taken in another range(3)
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.get_pseudo_orthonormal_homology(G, cocycles, hecke_data=None, outfile=None)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.guess_equation(code, pol, Pgen, Dgen, Npgen, Sinf=None, sign_ap=None, prec=-1, hecke_data_init=None, working_prec=None, recognize_invariants=True, return_all=True, compute_G=True, compute_cohomology=True, abtuple=None, logfile=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.igusa_clebsch_absolute_from_half_periods(p1, p2, p3, q1=None, q2=None, q3=None, prec=None, padic=True)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.igusa_clebsch_from_half_periods(p1, p2, p3, q1, q2, q3, prec=None, padic=True)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.j1_inv_padic_from_half_periods(a, b, c, q1, q2, q3, prec, threshold=None)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.padicperiods.normalize_periods(A, B, alpha, T, a, b, outfile=None)[source]¶
alpha = (phi1, theta1) beta = (phi2, theta2) = -n(T) * alpha, where T is the Hecke operator used when computing A and B. T is the new hecke operator.
Plectic points¶
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- darmonpoints.plectic.PlecticGroup(p1, p2, quat_data, level, base=None, grouptype=None, seed=None, magma=None, logfile=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- class darmonpoints.plectic.PlecticGroup_class(base, p0, p1, discriminant, abtuple, level=1, outfile=None, magma=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- construct_EV_dict(depth)[source]¶
sage: class Foo: ....: def __init__(self, x): ....: self._x = x ....: @cached_method ....: def f(self,*args): ....: return self._x^2 sage: a = Foo(2) sage: a.f.cache {} sage: a.f() 4 sage: a.f.cache {((), ()): 4}
- construct_VE_dict(depth)[source]¶
sage: class Foo: ....: def __init__(self, x): ....: self._x = x ....: @cached_method ....: def f(self,*args): ....: return self._x^2 sage: a = Foo(2) sage: a.f.cache {} sage: a.f() 4 sage: a.f.cache {((), ()): 4}
- construct_edge_reps(depth)[source]¶
sage: class Foo: ....: def __init__(self, x): ....: self._x = x ....: @cached_method ....: def f(self,*args): ....: return self._x^2 sage: a = Foo(2) sage: a.f.cache {} sage: a.f() 4 sage: a.f.cache {((), ()): 4}
- darmonpoints.plectic.additive_integral(mu, phi)[source]¶
Calculates the additive integral of the rational function phi against mu.
- darmonpoints.plectic.compute_plectic_point(G, phiE, Fdict, depth, beta, njobs=1, max_cpus=1, outfile=None)[source]¶
- darmonpoints.plectic.riemann_sum(G, tau0, tau1, gamma, Phi, depth=1, progress_bar=True, max_iters=-1, F=None, twist=True, edge_dict=None)[source]¶
Schottky groups¶
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
- class darmonpoints.schottky.Ball(parent, center, radius, is_open=True, is_complement=False)[source]¶
- class darmonpoints.schottky.PreSchottkyGroup(K, generators)[source]¶
- base()[source]¶
sage: def f(x): ....: "doc of f" ....: return 1 ....: sage: x = lazy_attribute(f); x <sage.misc.lazy_attribute.lazy_attribute object at ...> sage: x.__doc__ 'doc of f' sage: x.__name__ 'f' sage: x.__module__ '__main__'
- class darmonpoints.schottky.SchottkyGroup(K, generators, balls=None, transformation=None, parameters=None, keep_generators=True, check=True)[source]¶
- gens_extended()[source]¶
sage: class Foo: ....: def __init__(self, x): ....: self._x = x ....: @cached_method ....: def f(self): ....: return self._x^2 sage: a = Foo(2) sage: print(a.f.cache) None sage: a.f() 4 sage: a.f.cache 4
- parameters()[source]¶
sage: def f(x): ....: "doc of f" ....: return 1 ....: sage: x = lazy_attribute(f); x <sage.misc.lazy_attribute.lazy_attribute object at ...> sage: x.__doc__ 'doc of f' sage: x.__name__ 'f' sage: x.__module__ '__main__'
- period(i, j, prec, **kwargs)[source]¶
Compute the (i,j)-entry of the period matrix.
sage: from darmonpoints.schottky import * sage: p = 3 sage: prec = 10 sage: working_prec = 200 sage: K = Qp(p,working_prec) sage: h1 = matrix(K, 2, 2, [-5,32,-8,35]) sage: h2 = matrix(K, 2, 2, [-13,80,-8,43]) sage: G = SchottkyGroup(K, (h1,h2)) sage: q00g = G.period_naive(0, 0, prec) sage: q01g = G.period_naive(0, 1, prec) sage: q11g = G.period_naive(1, 1, prec) sage: q00 = G.period(0,0, prec) sage: q01 = G.period(0,1, prec) sage: q11 = G.period(1,1, prec) sage: (q00g/q00-1).valuation() > prec True sage: (q01g/q01-1).valuation() > prec True sage: (q11g/q11-1).valuation() > prec True
- period_matrix(prec, **kwargs)[source]¶
sage: class Foo: ....: def __init__(self, x): ....: self._x = x ....: @cached_method ....: def f(self,*args): ....: return self._x^2 sage: a = Foo(2) sage: a.f.cache {} sage: a.f() 4 sage: a.f.cache {((), ()): 4}
- theta(prec, a, b=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Compute the Theta function
sage: from darmonpoints.schottky import * sage: p = 3 sage: prec = 20 sage: working_prec = 200 sage: K = Qp(p,working_prec) sage: g1 = matrix(K, 2, 2, [-5,32,-8,35]) sage: g2 = matrix(K, 2, 2, [-13,80,-8,43]) sage: G = SchottkyGroup(K, (g1, g2)) sage: a = 23 sage: b = 14 sage: z0 = K(8) sage: m = 10 sage: Tg = G.theta_naive(m, z=z0, a=a,b=b) sage: T = G.theta(prec, a, b).improve(m) sage: (T(z0) / Tg - 1).valuation() > m True
- darmonpoints.schottky.find_parameter(ball, pi=None, check=True)[source]¶
Create a cached version of a function, which only recomputes values it hasn’t already computed. A custom name can be provided by an optional argument “name”.
is a function, do eitherg = CachedFunction(f)
to make a cached version off
, or put@CachedFunction
right before the definition off
(i.e., use Python decorators):@CachedFunction def f(...): ....
The inputs to the function must be hashable or they must define
sage: # needs sage.combinat sage: g = CachedFunction(number_of_partitions) sage: g.__name__ 'number_of_partitions' sage: 'partitions' in sage.misc.sageinspect.sage_getdoc(g) True sage: g(5) # needs sage.libs.flint 7 sage: g.cache # needs sage.libs.flint {((5, 'default'), ()): 7} sage: def f(t=1): print(t) sage: h = CachedFunction(f) sage: w = walltime() sage: h(); h(1); h(t=1) 1 sage: walltime(w) < 2 True
By default, the contents of the cache are not pickled:
sage: @cached_function ....: def f(n): return None sage: import __main__ sage: __main__.f = f sage: for i in range(100): f(i) sage: len(f.cache) 100 sage: s = dumps(f) sage: f.clear_cache() sage: f = loads(s) sage: len(f.cache) 0
is set, then the cache is pickled:sage: @cached_function(do_pickle=True) ....: def f(n): return None sage: __main__.f = f sage: for i in range(100): f(i) sage: len(f.cache) 100 sage: s = dumps(f) sage: f.clear_cache() sage: f = loads(s) sage: len(f.cache) 100
- darmonpoints.schottky.find_parameter_new(ball, pi=None, check=True)[source]¶
Create a cached version of a function, which only recomputes values it hasn’t already computed. A custom name can be provided by an optional argument “name”.
is a function, do eitherg = CachedFunction(f)
to make a cached version off
, or put@CachedFunction
right before the definition off
(i.e., use Python decorators):@CachedFunction def f(...): ....
The inputs to the function must be hashable or they must define
sage: # needs sage.combinat sage: g = CachedFunction(number_of_partitions) sage: g.__name__ 'number_of_partitions' sage: 'partitions' in sage.misc.sageinspect.sage_getdoc(g) True sage: g(5) # needs sage.libs.flint 7 sage: g.cache # needs sage.libs.flint {((5, 'default'), ()): 7} sage: def f(t=1): print(t) sage: h = CachedFunction(f) sage: w = walltime() sage: h(); h(1); h(t=1) 1 sage: walltime(w) < 2 True
By default, the contents of the cache are not pickled:
sage: @cached_function ....: def f(n): return None sage: import __main__ sage: __main__.f = f sage: for i in range(100): f(i) sage: len(f.cache) 100 sage: s = dumps(f) sage: f.clear_cache() sage: f = loads(s) sage: len(f.cache) 0
is set, then the cache is pickled:sage: @cached_function(do_pickle=True) ....: def f(n): return None sage: __main__.f = f sage: for i in range(100): f(i) sage: len(f.cache) 100 sage: s = dumps(f) sage: f.clear_cache() sage: f = loads(s) sage: len(f.cache) 100
- darmonpoints.schottky.leaf(t)¶